When you take your vehicle to the shop to get some work done, it can be frustrating if you don’t know how long the process is going to take. Few things are as annoying as sitting in the waiting room, hoping that the technicians will come out and tell you your car is ready to go. You can avoid this frustrating situation by simply knowing roughly how long the process takes.

If you’re taking your vehicle to the auto shop to apply a window tint in Calgary, it’s good to know how long it takes. Continue reading to find out!

Length Of Applying A Window Tint in Calgary

In general, it takes two to four hours to apply 3M window tinting to a car. That may seem like a long time, but more goes into installing the best window tinting than you might expect. The windows need to be thoroughly cleaned and measured before applying the tint film. Also, since each window is a different size, the tint film needs to be cut to fit your window’s specifications.

Factors That Effect The Length Of Applying A Window Tint

If it takes two to four hours to install 3M window tinting in Calgary, what accounts for the wide time range? Read below about the factors that affect the length of time to tint the windows of a vehicle. 

Number of Windows

This one is pretty obvious. If you only need to have two windows tinted, it’s going to take half the time it takes to tint four windows. Usually, people choose to tint every window in their car, including the windshield, but you may prefer only to apply a window tint to your front windows. If you drive a larger car with more windows, it’s going to take longer to apply the tint.

Car window tinting series

Size of Windows

Does your vehicle have large or smaller windows? The size of your windows will affect how long technicians need to finish tinting them. Larger windows are a little trickier to apply the film, which means it takes a little bit longer to install tinting on larger windows.

Type of Windows

Most cars have pretty basic styles of windows, but not all. Some car models have unique window designs that make installing a window tint take much longer than usual. Odds are, you’re windows fall into the normal category.

Replacing Old Tint

If your vehicle has an existing tint that you’re replacing, the process of removing the old tint will take on some time to the process. Obviously, adding this extra step means you’re going to have to wait longer to get your car back.

With over 15 years of experience, Pro Window Tinting is proud to offer high-end automotive window tinting to all the people of Calgary. Give us a call at (403) 891-5980 today and experience Calgary’s best service.